Sorry this one's so late! I've been slacking but I HAD to show some houses today! Last thing I want is to become unemployed because of these 14 days!

Anyway, I was thinking about those first dates with Steven, some nine years ago, when I was just gaga about him. I remember being so touched when he showed me his box of old crap that he keeps - you know, childhood trophies, his first love letter, and I especially remember this one teddy bear he pulled out, a bear he got when he was all of two-years-old. His moth-ball grandmother had given it to him one Christmas. He supposedly carried it with him everywhere, even after he was growing pubic hair. At first, he couldn't pronounce “bear.” So he said, “Baw-wee” and the name stuck.

Now, 32 years later, big Steven still has Baw-wee. Even though he doesn't cuddle with him, he does keep him in the storage closet. Baw-wee's still that special to Steven. Anyway, I wouldn't want him not to get his precious Baw-wee back. I am not by nature a violent person (even if we're just talking about a stuffed animal), so I needed to re-watch one of Steven's favorite movies, Reservoir Dogs, for inspiration, and it's given Mrs. Blonde a few ideas. So, I'll be mailing Baw-wee to Steven, except Baw-wee won't be coming in just one package. I'll be sending the bear back to Steven ... in installments.

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