So I’ve never gotten into baking. Cakes, cookies, pies, etc. Just too much temptation. I always end up eating way too much batter and then doing a double-whammy of Pilates to not feel so guilty—which I still do when I get on the scale. But Steven’s always had a serious sweet tooth – and that bastard’s in perfect health, low cholesterol, ridiculously low body fat. I put on five pounds just watching him put away a pint of ice cream a night!

I decided to make Stevey-poo one of his favorite guilty pleasures: brownies. I made them from scratch! I always love playing around with ingredients when I cook, throwing in a little extra this or that. So this time, I decided to spice up the batch with some laxatives. I started with just one crushed tablet, to add some flavor. But then I decided to go the whole nine yards and crush ‘em all and mix ‘em in. No batter for Emily this time! I’m quite regular. I caught up with some phone calls to my brother and sister and mother who keep wanting to know what’s the latest while I waited for the brownies to bake and cool. Then, I carefully cut all of them into neat squares and packed them up and shipped them off to Steven’s office to arrive first thing this morning. I didn’t forget a note either: “Dear Steven, I know it’s been rough but at least we have each other. We’ll get through this. I love you, Laura.”

I just hope the whole office doesn’t share Steven’s sweet tooth or else everyone will be running (literally!) to the bathrooms!!
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