Hi again. It’s me. Emily, that is. I wrote a note…I mean, blog (I am going to get the hang of this!) here just a few days ago. We just spent 4th of July weekend in Nantucket. It was great. We being me and my husband, Steven. A gorgeous, huge island in the shape of a fish. Sailboats, beaches, history, cobble-stoned streets (which go from charming to annoying when walking in high heels! When are those ACK people going to catch up with the 21st century and pave those damn roads?). We went out on a Jeep Wrangler to ride along the beaches. Steven does what he likes to call ‘donuts’ in the sand but the whiplash I got from them quickly disappeared when I tried swimming in the 40-degree water. My nipples became erasers. Can’t imagine what it did to Steve’s…er… twig and berries. I can only assume Steven’s spear shrunk like a burnt hair. He definitely can't afford that kind of shrinkage. He-he! Seriously, sans cold-water, Steven is a “healthy” man. Oh! I saw a seal swimming in the waves. It seemed so free, playing in the ocean. It was weird but it actually kinda pissed me off. Not really. Just a little… Anyway, we ate scallops, lobster rolls and chowder. Every day, and sometimes even for breakfast.

Steven and I always love to just eat, read, drink, screw and sleep when we go away. We click out of cyberworld usually but with Steven so crazed at work, he took his laptop in case he needed to plug in somewhere. And we had no cell phone reception where we were staying – what was life like before cell phones?!—so Steven had to drive into town a lot to call and make sure things were good at work. We had a friend’s house near the beach in Miacomet all to ourselves. Well, except for the kids’ toys littering the whole damn place. There was barely a spot of couch without some ketchup or milk stains. They’ve got three kids and she’s expecting a fourth. I just don’t get how she keeps popping those things outta her belly—which, I hate to admit, is flatter than mine when she’s not pregnant (Bitch! And, the worst part: she’s a total sweetheart!)! Oh, they’re Steven’s college buddies who we’ve stayed with before. It’s been harder to vacation with them with all their kids so it was a relief when they left us the house to go see some grandparents in California. We even brought Whiskey up. Whiskey, our Jake Russell terrier. He’s our baby right now (he’s almost a year!) and he’s plenty! Thank God he’s already out of his biting everything in site – particularly dirty underwear and anything hanging in the air (yup, that means when Steven’s walking around naked… ouch!) – stage.

But now we’re back at home in Jersey. And there’s so much to catch up on! That’s the problem with vacation – you think you’re not catching up on anything anymore and as soon as you get back, it’s mayhem. So I’m going back to catching up again before it all catches up with me!
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