It's Sunday, day 7, and like I once said before, even God took a break. Well, those rules don't apply to a scorned woman who's on a mission of making sure her cheating, (soon-to-be-ex) husband's life is in constant turmoil - and always keeping him on his toes.

Speaking of family relations, I've been close to Steven's parents. Real simple, nice people. I had it good with the in-laws (unusual, compared to all my friends who deal with psycho mother-in-laws!), mainly because Steven was their golden child and he could do no wrong. Which meant he could do no wrong about finding the right wife. Only problem with them is that they're super-conservative so when they found out we had moved in together (pre-marital sex - a big no-no!), they nearly had heart attacks! But they got over it when they heard their son was going to marry! Then, they accepted me with open arms. Their only problem with me was that I hadn't produced any grandchildren for them yet. Talk about fate! Imagine those poor kids today! Less than ten years old and fatherless!

So it was with great satisfaction that I carefully packed Steven's entire porn collection. A collection that had grown substantially since I had first found out about it. When I had confronted him, he managed to convince me I was an idiot to think he was the only married man watching that stuff. If anything, I should consider incorporating it into our sex life. I didn't - it's just not me and we didn’t need that kind of inspiration (at least not before he started banging my best friend). I wonder if Steven's slut gave into watching.

But getting back to my point. I packed the porn and even threw in an old polaroid of Steven in our early years, before we were married, I think - one of him in bed, tied up to four bedposts, naked. I’m going to have a friend drop it off on their doorstep tonight. I can only imagine the looks on his parents' faces when they open the package. Oh and honey? Don't worry - I remembered to put a note in it from you: “Mom & Dad, I hope you don't mind storing my things for a while. Feel free to watch some at your leisure.

Love, Steven.”

I'm sure they'll forgive him soon enough.
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